During the COVID era --- perhaps before and after; time has lost its meaning to me --- there were several significant current events that prompted me to create some conceptual pieces in manic response.
The first was the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe versus Wade, a ruling I and my generation spoke out, marched, and voted for. The fact that its ruling came in response to a case brought about by my home town (Jackson MS) just made it worse.
2022, gold leaf on plastic fertilizer spreader filled with (faux) Viagra, on
an American flag design (made in China), plaster base, 44" x 15" x 11"
2022, gold leaf on plastic fertilizer spreader filled with (faux) Viagra, on
an American flag design (made in China), plaster base, 44" x 15" x 11"
Just a warning to anyone who decides to "fake" viagra or any subject that might require locating its color. Of course I looked up the famous pill to see what "blue" it is, and since then --- every single day since then! --- my email files, both "scam" and "inbox," have over 100 messages from overseas pharmacies. One posts (dozens of times a day) in capital letters: CANADIAN PHARNACY. I have only opened one of these hundreds of emails ads one time, and it was in a language I did not know with links to all sorts of things. I went no farther. You are warned.
"Color Lesson," 2022, 11" x 85", card stock
Even though I come from the deepest south --- Mississippi --- and even though ALL my immediate family and close friends were/are liberals who, like my parents, helped the city/state to desegregate and equalize treatment of the Black population, the book CASTE by Marilyn Ferguson
was a stunning lesson and should be required reading of every American, not just we Southerners. Words, labels, and facts I never knew immediately focused my creative energy on a way to transmit some of what I learned. Two explanatory notes are posted nearby. (With apologies for crookeness of long-distance lettering...)
And to share this information with friends, I made the piece into a small fold-out (and amateurish) "book" clamped shut with a black, white, and gray elastic band. Each of the "covers" (not shown below) contain the "blood-red" hand print on black (front) and white (back)
Compared to the previous two projects, this 2023 one is free of political or historical significance. It is truly a self-portrait.
Its story: I married when I was very young (20) and had not, until then, ever cooked a single thing. EVER! Oh, maybe toast? Probably not.
So in 1968 I began to cook, and my favorite baking pan lived stacked along with newer and cleaner ones. Finally, 55+ years later, I sacrificed it to Art, elegantly framed to signify its importance. To me.